Officer Duties
- Oversee the Board of Directors
- Slot calendar dates for Association activities
- Run monthly Executive Committee Meetings (reminders and agenda)
- Run monthly Association meetings including (reminders, agendas and speakers)
- Approve all communications under the Association header
- Approve Under the Dome communications
- Coordinate all website development against the budget, including annual updates; grant access to users
Provide parental support to the following school activities:
- Monthly Summer Mailings
- Orientations
- New Family Welcome
- Curriculum Night
- Picture Day
- Open House
- Registrations
- Clean Up Days
- Grade level activities
- Oversee all Association fundraising efforts
- Prepare 990 checklist for the accounting firm
- Submit legal filings as needed
- Check Association mail regularly
- Prepare the annual budget
- Coordinate slating of officers
- Attend events as requested (staff breakfast, staff appreciation, graduation, orientation)
Vice President
- Back Up President as needed
- Incoming President Elect (potentially)
Volunteer coordinator
- Coordinate annual volunteer sheets returned by parents
- Work with committee chairs to seek volunteers
- Support "one off" needs from school administration and alumni foundations
- Oversee the Association "sign up genius" account and help event chairs with the coordination
- Maintain Association financial records
- Issue Association checks
- Deposit Association funds
- Reconcile the Association checking account
- Prepare financial reports on a monthly basis
- Present financial reports at the monthly Executive and General Association meetings
- Maintain the non-financial records of the Association, including lists of electronic addresses, websites and social media pages
- Regularly check mail slot and distribute Association documents as needed
- Maintain legal filings
- Take minutes at Association general meetings
- Present minutes for approval at Association general meetings
- Attend monthly Executive meetings
ILT Representatives (Instructional Leadership Team)
- Represent the parental body at the monthly ILT meetings (afternoons)
- Voice questions, opinions and concerns from a parental standpoint at the meetings
- Report meeting updates monthly back to the President and parents at monthly Association meetings
- Submit ILT meeting minutes to the President monthly for posting
- Discuss potential concerns coming out of ILT with the President for possible action
LSDMC Representatives (Local School Decision Making Council)
- Represent the parental body at the monthly LSDMC meetings
- Voice questions, opinions and concerns from a parental standpoint at the meetings
- Report meeting updates monthly back to the President and parents at the monthly Association meetings
- Submit LSDMC meeting minutes to the President monthly
- Discuss potential concerns coming out of LSDMC with the President for possible action
- Chair the fundraising gala
- Profit target is $50,000 - $60,000, the Association relies on this
- Seek volunteers to fill committee roles for the event
- Organize WHIP and Athletics Support
- Leadership, organization and commitment are required
Legacy of Excellence
- Coordinate the annual giving campaign
- Profit target is $90,000 - $100,000, the Association relies on this
- Develop solicitation approach and marketing campaign
- Provide leadership activities such as mailings, phone-a-thons, communications, etc.
- Organization skills required to coordinate the administration and sales skills required to solicit donations
7th and 8th Grade Liaison
Note: 7th and 8th grade funds are handled by the Association, including dances
- Coordinate 7th and 8th extracurricular grade activities with the 7th and 8th grade assistant principal
- Key events to coordinate and execute are: 7th/8th Grade Tailgate; Boogie Bash and Twilight Ball. This includes volunteer support, entertainment and refreshments
- Coordinate any grade level communications requested of the parents by the assistant principal
- Support the 7th and 8th grade awards ceremony from a volunteer standpoint
- Earn enough profit on the "key events" to cover the 7th and 8th grade awards (approx. $700)
- Provide additional support to the grade levels as needed (minimal)
9th – 12th Grade Liaison
Note: 9th – 12th grade funds are handled by CPS, including dances
- Provide support to each graduating class advisor as needed, including dances and bake sales
- Assist with fundraising as agreed with each class advisor
- Coordinate any grade level communications requested of the parents by the advisors
- Assist with Senior class activities such as Senior Send Off, Senior Dinner, etc.
- Solicit for parental support and donations as defined by the class advisors
Hospitality Chair
- Provide hospitality support to parent led events not governed by other Association directors or groups. This includes Curriculum Night, Special Association meetings Open House. The Foundation provides additional support, so coordination is necessary
- Purchase goods needs and support for reimbursement
- Coordinate the annual Staff Appreciation luncheon. This includes securing a caterer/take-out, soliciting volunteers, organizing the event and submitting for reimbursements
- Organizational skills are a necessity given the large audiences at a few of these events
New Family Welcome
- Chair the fundraising gala
- Profit target is $50,000 - $60,000, the Association relies on this
- Seek volunteers to fill committee roles for the event
- Organize WHIP and Athletics Support
- Leadership, organization and commitment are required
Newsletter Editor
- Coordinate three – four newsletter editions annually
- Solicit articles / photos from parents, staff and students
- Proof articles
- Work with the newsletter outside publisher to have the edition typeset
Theatre Liaison
- Parental liaison between the Theatre Dept. and the groups of parents at large
- Coordinate Theatre communications to parental body at large (i.e. upcoming performances, try outs, etc.)
- Support Theatre Director is any other parental capacity as needed