Concert Information

All of our performance classes have mandatory after-school concerts as part of the course requirements. Students must participate in these concerts in order to receive a passing grade. This provides a way to measure skill and progress, provides incentive and motivation to work hard, teaches responsibility and commitment to a group endeavor, and gives parents a chance to hear for themselves what their children have achieved over the course of the year.

Students are expected to take participation in concerts seriously. They are to be prepared, prompt, and dressed appropriately. They are all informed in class what this entails – the following information is provided as a guideline to parents to help them assist their children in getting ready for their performances.

  • Concert Times & Locations:
    All Walnut Hills music performances start at 7:00 pm. Students should plan to arrive no later than 6:15. Most concerts take place in the main auditorium, but occasionally there will be an off-site performance. Students will be informed in their classes as to what their concert dates will be. Our performance schedule will also be posted on the school website and is published in our Fine Arts Calendar, which is available online, in the Main Office, the Music Department Offices, or at our concerts.
  • What to bring (instrumentalists):
    Your instrument! And any extra equipment you might need – music, reeds, mutes, valve oil, strings, rosin, etc. – students know what they need.
  • What NOT to bring:
    Any valuables that you would hate to lose.
  • What to wear:
    Each performance group has specific concert attire which is required. Students are advised by their teachers what that is. Parents can check on the specifics under the course listings in the school curriculum guide. Please plan ahead.
  • What NOT to wear:
    Gym shoes or sandals. Getting on or off stage may involve climbing stairs or risers in long dresses – please avoid tall high heels.

    Flashy jewelry which may be distracting. It’s your performance that should shine!
  • Admission Cost:
    Concerts are free and open to all members of the Walnut Hills community.

    There will be a donation basket, if you would like to make a contribution to support our music programs. Or you can opt to become a Patron Donor.

    To become a Patron Donor visit our Patron Donor page
  • Concert Etiquette:
    Parents and students should plan on attending the entire concert – even the part they don’t perform in. Other students pay you the courtesy of listening to your performance politely – you are expected to reciprocate. This same courtesy should be demonstrated by parents as well. It is very disruptive for groups or families to leave or enter in the middle of a concert.

    All electronic devices such as cell phones and alarm watches must be turned off (not just silenced) prior to the beginning of a concert. Please, no flash photography!
US News - America's Best High Schools - Ranked 65th in USA and awarded Gold Medal status.
Newsweek - America's Best High Schools 2010 - Walnut Hills Ranked 66th in USA and #1 in Ohio!