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WHHS Long Range Plan

Goals for 2012-2019
May 17th, 2012




Maximize the value of a WHHS education for all graduating students.

Disciplines and Grades
Ensure equal opportunity for academic success by establishing high expectations in all levels of all courses. Departments will ensure that students in all classes understand the prerequisites for advance study.
Establish high standards for writing, reading comprehension, and speaking throughout the school.
Quantify success at all levels by using disaggregated data on predetermined groups of students (gender, ethnicity, seventh grade enrollment, etc.).
Enhance vertical teaming in each Department. Progression from elementary or introductory courses to advance courses should be clear to students.
Encourage enrollment and commitment to AA and AP courses. Seventh grade students will be assessed by GPA standing for acceptance into the Honors Program and incoming eighth and ninth grade students will be assessed by GPA, teacher recommendations, and scores on the O.A.A. and the Walnut entrance test.
Infuse the practice of uniform study techniques (i.e. outlining, note taking, bibliography, research papers, etc.) throughout all subject areas.
Continue to require common semester exams for academic courses. Tests should clearly reflect WHHS standards and curriculum. Departments will review, analyze, and interpret results to improve teaching practices.
Provide seventh, eighth and ninth grade coordinated planning and instruction in grammar through the English and Latin Departments.
Maintain a Study Skills proficiency standard to determine which incoming students in grades 7-9 require additional preparation for achieving success. Expand the Study Skills program to include new students to the school in 8th and 9th grades. Document the value added of the students’ pre- and post-tutoring services with data around student success.
Document articulation and alignment of curriculum within and across disciplinary departments.
Ensure that Fine Arts continues to be a quality component of a Walnut Hills liberal arts curriculum.
Investigate changing the grading system from a mid-line matrix format to a weighted, numeric average system.
In conjuncture with the Advanc-Ed goal, develop a consensus definition of a “classical education” for Walnut Hills High School. Once developed, use this definition to guide curriculum decisions.
Strive to increase the participation of all students with an average GPA in challenging courses (AA & AP). Target: Every student will be prepared and directed to take at least one AP course beginning with the graduating class of 2013. Ninth grade students will identify at least one AP target during the optioning process. All Departments will ensure that all students are prepared for rigorous course work prior to enrollment in AP courses. Along with the emphasis on AP and AA, ensure that all courses contain the challenge necessary for superior college preparation. Advise students in earlier grades to select courses that will increase the likelihood for success in demanding courses.
Continue to be the leading college preparatory school in the tri-state area by providing an Advance Placement program second to none in quality and variety of courses. Require all graduating students to successfully take at least one AP course. Continually monitor the existing program and explore new courses to meet the changing demands of higher education and the world. Require all AP students to take the nationally administered AP examinations in order to receive AP credit.
Investigate adding influential, impactful world-wide languages to the Foreign Language Department.
Research methods for expanding a STEM curriculum pathway.
Ensure computer sophistication throughout the curriculum. Investigate adding instruction in college appropriate computer sciences.
Utilize university partnerships to implement dual credit courses into the schedule to expand the range of student access to college credit prior to graduating from high school.


Relating to Students
Research innovative and best practices to provide a greater array of pedagogical approaches and to better meet the needs of the 21st century student.
In accord with Advanc-Ed recommendations, integrate technology meaningfully and purposefully to advance the classical education mission, and provide teachers with equal access to technological resources appropriate to their discipline. Increase proficiency of students and staff in the use of state-of-the-art technologies providing tools and related training. Increase incorporation of technology in lessons to engage students in new ways.
Evaluate and set appropriate student work load. Ensure challenging and consistent course requirements so that all students are prepared for the next level of work.
Prepare students for success on standardized tests by incorporating test taking strategies and practice questions into the curriculum of all WHHS courses.
Facilitate conversations throughout the departments regarding common course standards and their implications for the Walnut curriculum.
Utilize teacher mentoring. Walnut Hills High School, working through Adminstration and Department Chairs, will use mentoring to foster greater assistance for teacher improvement for seasoned and novice teachers, and will encourage teacher collaboration to share best practices. Investigate utilizing outside resources.
Improve teacher readiness to teach challenging curricula, such as AP and Honors courses, by supporting staff content area training.
School-wide Initiatives
Promote a climate of full cycle assessment that honors critical reflection on disaggregated data analysis and provides a strong basis for shared decision making, goal attainment measurement, and that supports all segments of the school with clear evidence that informs key decisions.
Utilize parent/teacher conferences and other methods to ensure reflective three-way communication between teachers, parents, and students.
Strive for a greater racial balance on the faculty and gender balance in departments to be in line with the diversity of the student population and the mission of the school.
Increase cooperation and collaboration within and between departments.

Facilities Enhancement

Provide resources to meet needs of the student body. In support of goals listed under Support Services, ensure adequate facilities for the future.
In conjunction with Advanc-Ed recommendations, install appropriate technology throughout the buildings to deliver the educational programs.
Maintain a plan for assessing buildings’ maintenance and repair issues on a scheduled basis. Prioritize and monitor ongoing progress.
Continue to update Facilities Wish List with specific projects and costs.


Maintain a strategic, comprehensive recruiting program. Reach out to all qualified students throughout the greater Cincinnati area. This includes working closely with feeder schools to encourage students to attend Walnut Hills as well as advertising throughout the area to encourage non-CPS students to enroll. Attract qualified students that will maintain school enrollment at the level determined under Support Services goals.
Continue to expand the opportunities for recognizing and rewarding students, staff, and alumni for significant contributions leading to innovation and excellence in performance.
Increase “Stakeholder” Communications. Provide a Fall “State of the School” report from the Principal as well as a Spring newsletter concerning Advanc-Ed and Long Range Plan progress to all students, faculty, parents, alumni, CPS and administrative staff. Review achievements and solicit feedback for input to the ongoing planning process.

Support Services/Administration

Define the role that technology plays in enhancing high quality “classical” instruction. Develop and implement a technology plan that identifies the needs of all teachers, based on the above definition, and provide staff development to support the process of increasing the use of technology in a “classical education” setting.
Identify and develop professional development opportunities addressing “Best Practices in Teaching” that support the mission and vision of the school and meets the needs of faculty, staff, and administration in helping students achieve excellence.
Develop a strategy that ensures all faculty members have a larger degree of input into the governance process so that all voices have a chance to be heard.
Ensure that the school’s vision is actually guiding the teaching and learning process by looking at disaggregated data to determine if all students are learning at the same rate.
Survey recent WHHS graduates currently in college and assess the “added value” of a classical education program on student success after a Walnut Hills experience.
Explore ideal school/class size questions. Identify specific targets. Determine capacity of school for long range effectiveness. Address admission requirements with respect to future projections.
Expand tutoring and mentoring network.
Review all staff job descriptions to ensure accurate listing of objectives, including department knowledge, responsibility for forward thinking for productive impact, and procedures for evaluation.
Expand exit interviews to include all graduating students and retiring staff and faculty.
Investigate opportunities for collaboration with the Evanston neighborhood and the wider Cincinnati community.
Continuously seek to enhance our ability to connect students with the college of their choice through counselor and College Information Center (CIC) support.
US News - America's Best High Schools - Ranked 65th in USA and awarded Gold Medal status.
Newsweek - America's Best High Schools 2010 - Walnut Hills Ranked 66th in USA and #1 in Ohio!